Thursday, December 11, 2008

National Anthem of Portugal

Music sheet and lyrics (1957)

Portuguese lyrics

Heróis do mar, nobre povo,

Nação valente, imortal,

Levantai hoje de novo

O esplendor de Portugal!

Entre as brumas da memória,

Ó Pátria, sente-se a voz

Dos teus egrégios avós,

Que há-de guiar-te à vitória!

Às armas, às armas!

Sobre a terra, sobre o mar,

Às armas, às armas!

Pela Pátria lutar!

Contra os canhões,marchar, marchar!

Approximate translation

Heroes of the sea, noble people,

Brave and immortal nation,

Now is the time to raise again

The splendor of Portugal!

Amidst the mists of memory,

Oh Fatherland, we hear the voice

Of your noble forefathers,

That shall lead you to victory!

To arms, to arms!

Over the land, over the sea,

To arms, to arms!

To fight for our Fatherland!

Against the cannons, march, march!

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